Published on: 17-07-2023
TIAFT Young Scientists Awards will be announced at the 60th TIAFT Annual Meeting held in Rome, Italy. This meeting will feature the regular Best Oral, Poster and Paper Awards.
To apply, please submit the following to TIAFT Young Scientists Committee (YSC) Chair (Luke Rodda, and Secretary (Elea Lendoiro, no later than Thursday, July 27, 2023.
- Best Published Paper Award
- Name of Young Scientist, affiliation, and email
The published scientific article (PDF)
Note, must be published within in the period of one month before the last TIAFT meeting and before the current meeting’s YS Award deadline submission (i.e., August 5, 2022 and July 27, 2023). E-published is acceptable if available to the scientific community within these dates.
- Best Poster Award
- Name of Young Scientist, affiliation, and email
Your Rome 2023 Abstract ID Number (e.g., “P#” or “LP#”) – see the program
The accepted abstract
Note, both live and regular posters will be equally considered for Best Poster Award
Applicants who already applied through the Rome 2023 Meeting website during abstract submission do not need to re-apply
- Best Oral Award
- Name of Young Scientist, affiliation, and email
Your Rome 2023 Abstract ID Number (e.g., “O#”) – see the program
The accepted abstract
Applicants who already applied through the Rome 2023 Meeting website during abstract submission do not need to re-apply