Please find below a compilation of free toxicology resources available on the internet for forensic and analytical toxicologists. This feature is constantly growing and evolving and, of course, we also appreciate feedback from our visitors.
Links last checked on Aug 22, 2018
Scientific literature
Managers for references
Free full-text of scientific articles
- Pubmed Central
- Hinari (free articles for developing countries. Local, not-for-profit institutions in two groups of countries may register for access to the journals through HINARI
- Open Access Journals
- WHO - Free book on basic analytical toxicology
Toxicological data
- IPCS Inchem (Internationally peer reviewed information on chemicals commonly used throughout the world)
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
National and international organisations about drugs and drug misuse
- EMCDDA (Many monographs on different aspects of drugs available in PDF)
- SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
- NIDA (National institute on drug abuse. Contains a lot of didactic materials about drug abuse)
- UNODC (United nations office on drugs and crime, laboratory and forensic science section, contains many free publications on recommended methods)
Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs
- EMCDDA page on drug driving
- DRUID project results
- WHO monograph on drinking and driving
- WHO document: Drug use and road safety
- ETSC: Preventing Drug driving in Europe
Free libraries of GC-Mass spectra
- AAFS (Agilent format - latest version 2012)
- Cayman chemical
Chemical Information about chemicals and drugs:
Social networking site for scientists and researchers
- Research gate (Social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators)