Published on: 15-08-2022
As indicated in the last email to members the polls for voting are now open regarding the two proposed changes - one for the Constitution and another to increase our annual dues for standard members.
Members should have received links to the polls by e-mail. Electronic Polls close on 8th September, 2022. Voting will also be allowed on these items at the annual business meeting in Versailles.
1. Change to constitution
DCF Members: Members from living in developing countries are excused from paying annual TIAFT membership dues if payment will have a significant financial impact. DCF Members will receive online access to the TIAFT Bulletin, but do not receive online access to the Journal of Analytical Toxicology. DCF status will be reviewed and determined by the newly elected incoming board at the beginning of its term.
2. Increasing the standard membership fee from $50 USD to $60 USD, effective January 1, 2023.