Published on: 16-12-2021

The December 2021 issue of the TIAFT Bulletin is now available by logging into the members area of the website. This issue contains a list of highly cited TIAFT members, a neurocognitive guide to cannabis and metabolic biomarkers in CSF.


Magic mushroom or toad slime? - By Torsten Arndt (Germany)

Highly cited TIAFT members - By Alan Wayne Jones (Sweden)

Drug trends in the UAE - By Hamad Al Ghafri (UAE)

A neurocognitive guide to cannabisA - By Thomas Arkell (Australia)

Investigation of metabolic biomarkers using cerebrospinal fluid metabolomics - By Jinni Yan (Australia)

Congress Reports: IATDMCT and SOHT - By Cathy Jacobs (Germany) and Maria Del Mar Ramirez (Belgium)

Upcoming TIAFT meeting: Versailles, France - By the Versailles meeting hosts (France)