Published on: 07-02-2023
As you may know, TIAFT was founded in London on April 21, 1963. The founding meeting elected Dr. E.C.G. Clarke (UK) as President, Dr. Alan S. Curry (UK) as Secretary, Dr. Ian Holden (UK) as Treasurer and Dr. Fred Rieders (USA) as Newsletter Editor.
To commemorate our 60th Jubilee anniversary we are organising a one-day meeting in London on April 21st, 2023 (0830-2300h). The event will be held at the House of Commons, Palace of Westminster, Westminster, London SWlA 0AA, UK. The event will conclude with a dinner in the Members Dining Room at the House of Commons. Given the location, capacity is limited to 150 persons.
This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with other colleagues what TIAFT means to us all, and to recognise the importance and longevity of our association in the field of forensic toxicology.
We are working on a program that will be available in the next week but tickets for this event will be available to members from January 6 - March 21, 2023. Once capacity has been reached there will be no more tickets available - so plan early. Tickets will cost $200USD and include the day's program, breaks, lunch and a 3-course dinner.
More information will be provided on the members website.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in London.