Individuals and corporations are invited to assist in sponsoring TIAFT in its range of activities for members. Please read the full TIAFT sponsorship policy document below.


The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) was founded in London in 1963 and now represents over 1500 members in more than 90 countries. Membership includes toxicologists engaged in government and private forensic toxicology laboratories, academics and medical practitioners practicing forensic toxicology activities throughout the world.

Its aim is to promote cooperation and coordination of effort among members around the world, to encourage research and the practice of forensic and analytical toxicology, to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of professional experiences and to promote education and training in forensic toxicology.

The Association's annual membership fee is USD 60. This fee generally covers the costs of the major operating costs of the organization, but few funds are available to cover other activities. Traditionally TIAFT has sought support of corporate sponsors to help support a range of additional activities for the organization. With rising operational costs, increased demand for membership from developing countries, and requests to host regional meetings in these same countries, TIAFT is appreciative of corporate sponsorship to avoid significant increases in annual dues.

TIAFT Activities

TIAFT has a number of specialist activities that deliver a range of services to particular interest groups and aim to advance the activities of the discipline. These include:

Sponsorships Available

TIAFT seeks the support of persons or organizations for the following activities:

Advertising in TIAFT Bulletin

The TIAFT Bulletin is published four times a year and includes the latest association activities, details of future meetings and includes articles covering analytical developments, case reviews and other information of assistance to forensic toxicologists. The Bulletin is also available in the "members only" section of the site.

The website ( also includes past and current proceedings of meetings and details of the activities of various committees. This website is updated regularly.

The following advertisement options are available for purchase:

  • US$ 500 for 1/2 page advertisement. Cost is per issue.
  • US$ 1,000 for full page advertisement. Cost is per issue.

NOTE: Advertisement in the TIAFT Bulletin reaches ALL of the TIAFT membership.

Annual and Regional TIAFT Meetings

TIAFT holds an annual conference providing a forum for forensic toxicologists from around the world to meet, present new developments and discuss research and other interesting case-related findings. Each conference is organized by a local TIAFT member host and provides opportunities for corporate sponsors to attend the meeting and exhibit typically within an exhibitor hall area.

Due to high associated costs, the TIAFT annual meetings, as well as the TIAFT Regional Meetings – all organized by local host committees – rely strongly on the support of corporate sponsors and exhibitors. Upcoming meetings are notified on the TIAFT website and advertised by the local hosts who can be contacted regarding specific opportunities available for the meeting.

NOTE: TIAFT meetings allow for significant recognition to sponsors. Additionally, these venues allow for personal one-on-one interactions with current and future customers.

Developing Countries Fund (DCF)

The DCF was created to support the memberships of eligible toxicologists from developing countries by waiving the annual TIAFT membership fee. These members have access to the TIAFT Bulletin, past proceedings of annual meetings, and the members' directory on the TIAFT website. TIAFT also supports regional meetings in developing countries to encourage and facilitate toxicology in specific areas of the world. In addition, TIAFT has awarded travel scholarships for toxicologists from developing countries to attend the annual TIAFT meeting. In recent years 3-6 awards have been given with a maximum value of USD 2,000 for airfare and accommodation, as well as the meeting’s registration fee.

NOTE: Support for the TIAFT DCF Fund is recognized in an annual publication of the TIAFT Bulletin.

Young Scientists Committee

The role of the YSC is to encourage international collaboration among scientists less than 40 years of age. This includes holding annual symposia and providing three awards (each to the value of USD 500) at each meeting for:

  1. The best oral presentation by a Young Scientist during the TIAFT conference,
  2. The best poster presentation by a Young Scientist during the TIAFT conference,
  3. The best scientific paper published in the literature during the previous year.

NOTE: Sponsorship of the YSC Symposium allows for key recognition of your company by the field’s up-and-coming leaders of tomorrow.

Sponsorship Inquiries

Please contact the President or President-Elect if you wish to discuss any aspect of the sponsorship opportunities.

Dimitri Gerostamoulos, PhD

President Elect
Simon Elliott, PhD

Both can be reached at:

The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT)
723 N Weber Street, Suite 103
Colorado Springs, CO 80903