Published on: 13-06-2014

The SoHT was founded in December 1995 in Strasbourg, France, following an oriental dream on the sands of Abu Dhabi during the 1995 International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) workshop. Since then, the international scientific SoHT has regularly held its annual meeting and occasionally organized workshops in order to actively promote hair testing. To date, the Society has 233 active members, 27 of whom joined last year.

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The SoHT was founded in December 1995 in Strasbourg, France, following an oriental dream on the sands of Abu Dhabi during the 1995 International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) workshop. Since then, the international scientific SoHT has regularly held its annual meeting and occasionally organized workshops in order to actively promote hair testing. To date, the Society has 233 active members, 27 of whom joined last year.

Following the first meeting in Geneva in 1996, the Society returned to Geneva for its 18th Meeting on 28–30 August 2013. The meeting included 4 plenary lectures, 32 oral presentations, and 21 posters. Students and established experts from 21 different countries attended the meeting where a poster prize and a platform prize were awarded.

A peer-reviewed special issue on the 18th Scientific Meeting of the SoHT is now available online as a free access for a limited time period.
