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  37th TIAFT Triennial Meeting Cracow

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Monday, September 6
Venue: Forum Hotel Cracow, Conference Centre, Krakow, ul. Konopnickiej 28
08:30 - Bus to the Forum Hotel
09:15-09:40 Opening Ceremony - Welcoming Remarks - Opening Remarks
09:40-10:40 Plenary Lectures

09:40 Summa Technologiae Toxicologiae Forensis
Maciej J. Bogusz
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Aachen University of Technology, Germany

10:10 The Power of Drug Testing
Edward J.Cone
ConeChem Research, Baltimore, MD, USA

10:40 - 11:00 Coffee break

Oral Session (11:00 - 12:30): Interpretation of Analytical Results
Chairpersons: Marylin A. Huestis, Donald R. A. Uges

  • What is the Definition of Intoxication for Members of TIAFT?
    Donald R. A. Uges
    Laboratory for Drug Analysis and Toxicology, Department of Pharmacy
    University Hospital Groningen and School of Pharmacy University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
  • An Attempt to Improve the Interpretation of Post-mortem Drug Levels by the Creation of a National Drug-Related Death Database
    Allan Jamieson
    Lothian & Borders Police Forensic Science Laboratory Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, (delivered by Anya Hunt)
  • A Two-Fold Variation in the Ratio between the Active and Inactive Enantiomers of the Antidepressant Citalopram in Forensic Autopsy Cases
    Johan Ahlner*, B. Carlsson, H. Druid, Per Holmgren
    National Board of Forensic Medicine, Departments of Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden
  • Hemp Tea versus Hemp Milk: Behavioral, Physiological Effects, Blood, Urine, Saliva and Sweat Cannabinoids Levels Following Ingestion by 2 Groups of 6 Healthy Volunteers
    Christian Giroud*1, Annick Ménétrey1, Marc Augsburger1, Thierry Buclin2 and Patrice Mangin1
    1 Laboratoire de toxicologie analytique, Institut universitaire de Médecine Légale, Lausanne, Switzerland
    2 Division de Pharmacologie Clinique Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Stability of Drugs in Postmortem Femoral Blood Stored for One Year
    Per Holmgren*, Johan Ahlner and Henrik Druid
    National Board of Forensic Medicine, Department of Forensic Chemistry, University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden
  • Statistical Estimation of High Alcohol Concentrations Determined in Breath and in Blood
    Dariusz Zuba*1, Wojciech Gubala2, Jerzy Labedz2
    1 Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
    Institute of Forensic Research, Krakow, Poland
  • The Accuracy of Sequences of Steps in Analytical Procedures in Forensic Toxicology. Its Significance in the Interpretation of the Final Results of Individual Cases of Poisoning
    Wlodzimierz Gut
    An independent expert in toxicology. Krakow, Poland (private address)
12:10 Discussion

12:30-14:00 Lunch

Oral Session (14:00-16:30): Drugs of Abuse and Doping
Chairpersons: Vina Spiehler, Albert D. Fraser

  • The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and Doping Control in Canada
    Albert D. Fraser
    Toxicology Laboratory, Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre and Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Heroin-related Fatalities in Victoria-Australia 1997-1998: A Study of 434 Cases
    Jim Gerostamoulos*, Voula Staikos, and Olaf H. Drummer
    Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine & Department of Forensic Medicine
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Hair Analysis of beta-Adrenergic Compounds in Doping Control
    Veronique Dumestre-Toulet*1, Vincent Cirimele2, J. P. Goulle3, Pascal Kintz2
    1 Laboratoire Ruffié & Associés, Bordeaux, France
    2 Institut de Médecine Légale, Strasbourg, France
    3 Laboratoire de biochimie et pharmacocinétique - CHU, Le Havre, France
  • Tragic Flying Attempt under the Influence of "Magic Mushrooms"
    G. Asselborn, Robert Wennig* and M. Yegles
    Laboratoire National de Santé, Division Toxicologie, CRP-Santé, Centre Universitaire, Luxembourg
  • Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) Program: Distinguishing Crack from Powder Cocaine Use with Urine and Hair Samples
    Natalie T. Lu*, K. Jack Riley, James E. Meeker
    National Institute of Justice, Department of Justice Washington, USA
  • Detection of Cocaine and its Major Metabolites in Plasma and Urine Samples in an Emergency Medicine Setting Using Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS
    R. H. Williams1, J. A. Maggiore1, S. M. Shah1, T. E. Erickson2 and Adam Negrusz*3
    1 Department of Pathology, 2 Department of Emergency Medicine, 3 Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacodynamics, University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, USA
  • Simultaneous Extraction, Derivatisation and Analysis of Acidic, Neutral and Basic Drugs from Urine by Solid Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
    Sue Paterson*, Rosa Cordero, Philip Houldsworth
    Toxicology Unit, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK
  • Monitoring of Olanzapine in Serum by Liquid Chromatography-Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
    Maciej J. Bogusz*1, Klaus D. Krüger1, Rolf D. Maier1, Rolf Erkwoh2 and F. Tuchtenhagen2
    1 Institute of Forensic Medicine, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
    2 Clinic of Psychiatry, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
15:20 Coffee break
  • "General Unknown" Screening of Xenobiotics in Plasma by LC-ES-MS
    P. Marquet*1, N. Vénisse1, J. M. Gaulier1, E. Lacassie1, E. Duchoslav2, B. Shushan2, J. Anacleto2, J. L. Dupuy1, G. Lachatre12
    1 Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Hospital, Limoges, France
    2 PE-Sciex, Concord, ON, Canada
    3 Laboratory of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Limoges, France
  • Determination of GHB in Serum or Plasma with GC/MS
    Alain G. Verstraete*1, Eric Van de Velde1, Peter De Paepe2
    1 Laboratory of Clinical Biology-Toxicology, 2 Heymans Institute of Pharmacology, Gent, Belgium
  • The Sensitive and Selective Determination of Clenbuterol, Anabolic Steroids and Metabolites
    Bernard Rotweiler
    Helwett Packard, European Support and Marketing Centre, Waldbronn, Germany
16:30 Discussion

Poster Session (17:00-18:00) Discussion
Chairpersons: Edward J. Cone, Robert Anderson

  • 1. Surface Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Selective Determination of Trace Amounts of Opioids in Urine
    U. Kh. Rasulev1, Usman Khasanov1, Turgun Kh. Islamov2, Makhamudjan M. Shakhitov3, B. Eshmuratov3
    1 Arifov Institute of Electronics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
    2 Republican Criminal Research Center, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 3 Republican Bureau of Forensic Medicine Expertise, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • 2. Diagnosis of Illicit Drug Overdoses: Difficulties Found
    Estela G. P. Marques, Alice M. Castanheira, Paula Proença, Paula V. Monsanto, Sofia A. Oliveira, Sofia Avila, Duarte N. Vieira
    Instituto de Medicina Legal de Coimbra, Coimbra. Portugal
  • 3. Heroin Cases in Routine Forensic Toxicological Examination of Biological Fluids
    Aniko Kovacs, Zsuzsanna Miko Hideg and Andras Benko*
    National Institute of Forensic Toxicology, Budapest, Hungary
  • 4. The Role of Ethanol in Cocaine Concentration in Human Postmortem Whole Blood
    Alice A. da Matta Chasin*1, and A. F. Mídio2
    1 Medical Legal Institute of Sao Paulo, Brazil
    2 Department of Toxicology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 5. Benzodiazepine Findings in Blood and Urine by Gas Chromatography and Immunoassay
    Ilpo Rasanen*, Ilkka Ojanpera and Erkki Vuori
    Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • 6. Parathion and Acute Intoxication. The Importance of Toxicological Analytic Tests
    Estela G. P. Marques*, M. M. Oliveira, Paula V. Monsanto, Paula Proença, Fernando Castanheira, Duarte N. Vieira
    Instituto de Medicina Legal de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
  • 7. Distribution of Hydrogen Sulphide in Rats' Organs and Associated Histological Changes in Experimental Intoxication
    Roman Wachowiak1, J. Miskowiak2, Jaroslaw Tobolski1
    1 Dept. of Forensic Medicine, University of Medical Science, Poznan, Poland
    2 Dept. of Histology and Embryology University of Medical Science, Poznan, Poland
  • 8. Pyrolysis of Cocaine to Methyl Ecgonidine and Subsequent Metabolic and Hydrolytic Transformation to Ecgonidine
    Buddha D. Paul
    Division of Forensic Toxicology, Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner, Armed Forces, Institute of Pathology, Rockville, USA
  • 9. Comparison of GC-MS and LC-MS Methods for Quantification of Morphine and its 3- and 6- Glucuronides, Codeine, Codeine-glucuronide and 6-Monoacetylmorphine in Human Serum for Routine Analysis in Forensic Toxicology
    Laurent Rivier*, Agnes Dienes and Patrice Mangin
    Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 10. Detection Times for Opiates in Urine after Various Doses of Heroin Using Different Screening Methods
    Michael L. Smith*1, Buddha D. Paul1, Jacqueline Summers1, Karla A. Moore1, Amanda Jenkins2, William D. Darwin2, Edward J. Cone2, Dan Nichols3, and Edwin K. Armitage3
    1 Division of Forensic Toxicology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, USA
    2 Addiction Research Center, IRP, NIDA, NIH, Baltimore, MD, USA
    3 US Army Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratory, Fort Meade, MD, USA
  • 11. Determination of Various Opiates Including Hydrocodone and Hydromorphone in Biosamples by GC-MS after Silylation
    Marie Baliikova*, Vera Maresova
    Institute for Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry, Charles University, 1st Medical Faculty and Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 12. Analysis of Underivatized Amphetamines and Related Phenethylamines with High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
    Maciej J. Bogusz*, Klaus D. Krüger and Rolf-D. Maier
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
  • 13. Clean-up Process for Mass Spectral Study of Amphetamines in Putrefied Body Materials
    Kenji Hara*, Seiichi Kashimura, Masayuki Kashiwagi, Tomoko Hamanaka and Mitsuyoshi Kageura
    Department of Forensic Medicine, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan
  • 14. Capillary Electrophoretic Enanthiomer Separation of Amphetamines after the Administration of l-Deprenyl to Man
    Eunmi Kim1, Sunchun Kim1, Heesun Chung*1, Youngchan Yoo1, Kongju Lee2 and Hwajung Kim2
    1 National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Seoul, Korea
    2 College of Pharmacy, Ewha Women's University, Seoul, Korea
  • 15. Evaluation of Sample Preparation Techniques Adequate for Multivariate Algorithms Applied for the Identification and Classification of Amphetamine Analogues with GC-FTIR
    Mirela Praisler2, Inge Dirinck*2, Willy Lambert, Andreas De Leenheer, and D. Luc Massart3
    1 Laboratory of Toxicology, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium
    2 Department of Physics, University of Galati, Galati, Romania
    3 Laboratory of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
  • 16. Comparison between Automated Knowledge-Based Systems Identifying and Classifying Amphetamine Analogues using Vapour-phase FTIR Spectra and Mass Spectra
    Inge Dirinck*1, Mirela Praisler2, Jan Van Bocxlaer, Andreas De Leenheer and D. Luc Massart3
    1 Laboratory of Toxicology, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium
    2 Department of Physics, University of Galati, Galati, Romania
    3 Laboratory of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
18:00 Bus to hotels
18:45 Bus to concert
19:30 Organ Concert at Mariacki (St. Mary's) Church Rynek Glowny (Mariacki Square 5)
20:45 Bus to hotels

Tuesday - September 7
08:00 Bus to the Forum Hotel
Day-long recreational raft trip down the Dunajec river

Wednesday - September 8
08:15 Bus to the Forum Hotel

Oral Session (9:00-10:40): Validation of Analytical Procedures
Chairpersons: Anya Pierce, Maciej J. Bogusz

  • Evaluation of Abselut? SPE Columns for Broad Spectrum Drug Screening in Plasma and Urine using GC-FID and HPLC-DAD Jan Bosman, Jaap Wijsbeek, Jan Piet Franke and Rokus A. de Zeeuw*
    Department of Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology, University Centre for Pharmacy, Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Selectivity of Photodiode Array UV-Spectra for Substance Identification in Systematic Toxicological Analysis
    Matthias Herzler*, Fritz Pragst, Sieglinde Herre and Michael Rothe
    Institute of Legal Medicine, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany
  • Screening for Drugs in Serum by ESI/CID and Library Searching
    Wolfgang Weinmann*1, Michaela Renz1, Michal Svoboda2
    1 Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, FRG
    2 Perkin-Elmer Biosystems, Langen, FRG
  • The Combination of Two-Dimensional Thin Layer Chromatography and Remission Spectrometry - a Chromatographic Technique with High Identification Power for Systematic Toxicological Analysis
    Ulrich Demme*, Björn Ahrens, Annelies Klein and Rolf Werner
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Jena, Germany
  • Simultaneous Analysis of Sildenafil and Metabolites in Serum and Urine by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode-Array Detection
    Marc Deveaux*1, Bertille Willaume1, Francis Collier2, Valery Hedouin1, Gilles Tournel1, Didier Gosset1
    1 Institut de Médecine Légale, Lille, France
    2 Hopital Jeanne de Flandre, Lille cedex, France
  • Extraction and Analysis of Flunitrazepam and Metabolites in Urine using SPE-HPLC-DAD
    Anya L. Hunt* and D. Zeitlin
    Forensic Science Unit, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
  • Sensitive Determination of Mianserin and Setiptiline in Body Fluids by Gas Chromatography with Surface Ionization Detector (GC-SID)
    Akira Ishii*1, Hiroshi Seno2, Kanako Watanabe-Suzuki2, Takeshi Kumazawa3, Osamu Suzuki2 and Yoshinao Katsumata
    1 Department of Legal Medicine and Bioethics, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
    2 Department of Legal Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan
    3 Department of Legal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
10:10 Discussion
10:40 Coffee break

Oral Session (11:00-11:50) Analysis of Alternative Materials
Chairpersons: Robert Wennig, Manfred Moeller

  • Elimination of Cocaine and Metabolites in Saliva following Repeated Oral Cocaine Administration
    Rebecca A. Jufer*1, Sharon L. Walsh2, and Edward J. Cone1
    1 Addiction Research Centre, IRP, NIDA, Baltimore, USA
    2 Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
  • The Application of Opiate Determination in Saliva for Diagnostic and Prognostic Purposes during Detoxification of Addicted Persons
    Ewa Janowska1, Wojciech Piekoszewski*1, Janusz Pach2, Lidia Winnik2
    1 Institute of Forensic Research, Krakow, Poland
    2 Department of Clinical Toxicology, Collegium Medicum, Krakow, Poland
  • Testing for the Anabolic Steroid DHEA in Human Hair
    Pascal Kintz*1, Vincent Cirimele1, Marc Deveaux2 and Bertrand Ludes1
    1 Institut de Médecine Légale, Strasbourg, France
    2 Institut de Médecine Légale, Lille, France
  • Comparative Efficiency of Hair and Urine Analysis when Assessing Drug Consumption
    Carmen Jurado*, Teresa Soriano, Manuel Menéndez and Manuel Repetto
    Instituto Nacional de Toxicología, Sevilla. Spain
  • The Development of a Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry Method for the Detection of Allopurinol and its Metabolites in Human Hair
    Tamsin Kelly*1, Costa Conn1, Ken Williams2, Harry Rose1, Jim Keegan1
    1 Department of Chemistry, Materials and Forensic Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
    2 Clinical Pharmacology, St Vincent's Hospital, Darlinghurst, Australia
Oral session (11:50-12:40) Driving under the Influence
  • The German Approach to Solving the Problem of Driving under the Influence of Drugs
    Manfred R. Moeller*, Stefan Steinmeyer, and Stefan Bregel
    Institute of Legal Medicine, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany
  • The Elaboration of the New 'Per se' Legislation on Drugs and Driving in Belgium: an Insider's View
    Alain G. Verstraete*1, Viviane A. Maes2
    1 Laboratory of Clinical Biology-Toxicology, University Hospital, Gent, Belgium
    2 Department of Clinical Chemistry-Toxicology, Academic Hospital, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
  • Cutoff Concentrations for Drugs of Abuse in Saliva for DUI, DWI or other Driving-Related Crimes
    Vina Spiehler*1, Dene Baldwin2, Christopher Hand2
    1 Newport Beach, USA
    2 Cozart Bioscience Ltd, Abingdon, Oxfords, UK
  • Capillary Electrophoresis Instruments and Techniques for Forensic Toxicology Problem Solving
    Jerzy Superata
    MEDIM (Beckman Coulter), Warszawa, Poland
12:20 Discussion
12:40-14:00 Lunch

Poster Session (14:30-16:00) Discussion Chairpersons: Pascal Kintz, Wojciech Piekoszewski

  • 17. Multicenter Study on Reproducibility of Mass Spectra of Toxicologically Relevant Drugs Generated by Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometer
    Maciej J. Bogusz*1, Rolf-Dieter Maier1, Klaus D. Krüger1, Kenneth S. Webb2, Julie Romeril2, Mark L. Miller3
    1 Institute of Forensic Medicine, Aachen University of Technology, Germany
    2 Laboratory of the Government Chemist, Teddington, UK 3 Forensic Science Research and Teaching Center, FBI Academy, Quantico, USA
  • 18. Microextraction in Bioanalysis of Drugs
    Mette Krogh
    National Institute of Forensic Toxicology, Sentrum, Oslo, Norway
  • 19. Determination of GHB by Head-Space GC/MS in Forensic Samples
    Sys Stybe Johansen* and Soren Felby
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, Frederik V´s vej 11, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 20. The Determination of GHB in Biological and Adulterated Samples without Forming Gamma-Butyrolactone
    Thomas F. August*, Chester J. Kitchen and Michael Telepchak
    United Chemical Technologies Inc., Bristol, USA
  • 21. Pharmacokinetic Study of Dextromethorphan with Urinary Excretion
    Heesun Chung*, Wonkyung Yang, Hwakyung Choi, Wontack Jin, Sihnyoung Sihn and Youngchan Yoo
    National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Seoul, Korea
  • 22. Surface Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Analysis of Post-Mortems for Fatal Poisoning by Chlorpromazine
    U. Kh. Rasulev1, Usman Khasanov1, Turgun Kh. Islamov2, Makhamudjan M. Shakhitov3, B. Eshmuratov3
    1 Arifov Institute of Electronics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
    2 Republican Criminal Research Center, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
    3 Republican Bureau of Forensic Medicine Expertise, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • 23. Urinary Excretion of Diazepam Metabolites in Healthy Volunteers Taking a Single Dose of Diazepam, and in Drug Users
    Anne Smith-Kielland*, Bjorn Skuterud, Kirsten M. Olsen, Anne C. P. Jorgensen, Jorg Morland
    National Institute of Forensic Toxicology, Oslo, Norway
  • 24. Screening for the Presence of para-Methylthioamphetamine in Urine by some Commercial Immunoassays and Confirmation by GC/MS
    Ingrid J. Bosman*1, Douwe de Boer2 and Robert A. A. Maes1
    1 Department of Human Toxicology, Utrecht Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    2 Laboratorio de Analises de Dopagem e Bioquimica, Lisboa, Portugal
  • 25. Mutagenic Effects of the Food Colour Erythrosine in Rats
    Hamdy A. Mekkawy*1, A. A. Massoud2, A. M. El-Zawahry3
    1 The National Center for Social and Criminological Research, P.O. Zamalek, P.C.11561, Cairo, Egypt
    2 Faculty of Sciences, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
    3 NODCAR, Cairo, Egypt
  • 26. Coma after Intake of Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (GBH): Two Case Report
    Peter X. Iten*1, Andrea Oestreich1, Regina Lips2, and Michael Brabetz2
    1 Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
    2 Waid Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 27. Direct Extraction of Benzodiazepine Metabolites with Supercritical Fluid from Whole Blood
    Kenichi Takaichi, Shuji Saitoh, Yoshio Kumooka, and Noriko Tsunoda
    National Research Institute of Police Science, Chiba, Japan
  • 28. Application of Gas Chromatography to the Identification of Petroleum Products in Environmental Contamination Cases
    Zofia Chlobowska, Ewa Chudzikiewicz, CzesLawa Swiegoda, Wojciech Piekoszewski
    Institute of Forensic Research, Krakow, Poland
  • 29. Comparison of an Enzymatic Alcohol Dehydrogenase Assay and Alcohol Headspace GC-FID Method Using Statistical Analysis on Real Forensic Blood and Urine Samples
    Katrien Arys*, J. Van Bocxlaer, Willy Lambert, C. Van Peteghem and Andreas De Leenheer
    Laboratorium voor Toxicologie, Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Farmaceutische Wetenschappen, Gent, Belgium
  • 30. Simultaneous Determination of Triazolam and its Metabolites in Human Blood and Urine by GC-MS
    Keiko Kudo*, Noriaki Ikeda and Yukiko Hino
    Department of Forensic Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
  • 31. Analysis of Meconium for Amphetamines and Opiates. Our First Experience
    Eva Novakova
    Institute for Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry, Charles University and University General Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 32. Involvement of Drugs in Accident Causation
    Jim Gerostamoulos*, Helen Batziris (Hons) and Olaf H. Drummer
    Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine & Department of Forensic Medicine - Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • 33. Risks for Driving under the Influence of Clomethiazole
    Enno Logemann
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Freiburg/Brsg., Germany
  • 34. Fatal Traffic Accidents Influenced by Drugs in South Moravia in 1998
    Helena Samkova*, Andrea Brzobohata, Miroslav Hirt
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, Brno, Czech Republic
  • 35. Drugs of Abuse: On-Site Saliva Sampling and Analysis
    Jörg Zimmermann*1,2, Hans-Jürgen Duchstein1, Kai Bierans2, Thomas Wuske3, Rainer Polzius3, Andreas Manns2
    1 University of Hamburg, Institute of Pharmacy, Hamburg, Germany
    2 Drager Sicherheitstechnik GmbH, Lubeck, Germany
    3 Dragerwerk AG, Lubeck, Germany
  • 36. Identification of Basic Drugs in Forensic Samples by Capillary Gas Chromatography
    Irene Breum Müller
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 37. The Decision to Use Modern Gas Chromatography/Mass-Spectrometry Methods in Forensic Examination
    Alexandr Tsymbal
    Research Institute of Forensic Expertises of the Justice Ministry of Ukraine
  • 38. Investigation of Biological Markers of Chronic Alcoholism
    Erzsébet Jeszenszky*1, Tibor Varga1, Peter Freudenstein2, Wolfgang Bonte2
    1 Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University, Department of Forensic Medecine, Szeged, Hungary 2 Heinrich Heine University, Department of Forensic Medicine, Dusseldorf, Germany
  • 39. Methadone Substitution Therapy Program and Toxicological Studies
    Halina Matsumoto*, Elzbieta Wozny, Anna Dziklinska, Malgorzata Abramowska
    The University Medical School of Warsaw, I Department of Psychiatry, Laboratory of Psychopharmacology, Warsaw, Poland
  • 40. Salicylamide in Urine after Intake of Acetylsalicylic Acid due to Degradation of Salicylic Acid Conjugates
    Kurt Besserer1, Detlef Tiess2, Maria Kala*3
    1 Formerly Institute of Forensic Medicine, University in Tübingen, Germany
    2 Formerly Institute of Forensic Medicine, University in Rostock, Germany 3 Institute of Forensic Research, Cracow, Poland
  • 41. A Simultaneous Determination of Naltrexone and 6-ß-Naltrexol in Serum by HPLC
    Katja Sarkka, Kari Ariniemi and Pirjo Lillsunde*
    Laboratory of Substance Abuse, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland
  • 42. Propofol Metabolism after Excessive Abuse
    Achim Schmoldt*, S. Iwersen-Bergmann, H. M. Rosner
    Department of Legal Medicine, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
  • 43. Fatal Intoxication by Cibenzoline (CIPRALANO)
    N. Richard, Marie H. Ghysel*,M. Savart
    Laboratoire de Police Scientifique, Lille, France
16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-18:00 TIAFT Young Scientists Committee Meeting

16:30-18:00 Meeting of European PTP Co-ordinators - room Ewa

16:30 Bus to hotels

Thursday - September 9
08:15 Bus to the Forum Hotel

Oral Session (9:00-10:30): Free Topics
Chairpersons: Yuji Nakahara, Alain Verstrate

  • Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine Plasma Concentrations After High Dose IV Drug Administration
    Marilyn A. Huestis*, Annie Umbricht, Kenzie L. Preston, Edward J. Cone
    Intramural Research Program, NIDA, NIH, Baltimore, MD, USA
  • Differentiation of Illicit Heroin Abuse from Use of Prescribed Diamorphine using Electron Impact Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
    Neil A. McLachlan-Troup, Susan Paterson, Sunella L. Brahma* & Bruce Trathern
    Toxicology Unit, Imperial College, St. London, United Kingdom
  • Screening for the General Unknown in Tissue Samples by Polystyrene Resins
    Thomas Stimpfl* and Walter Vycudilik
    Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  • Optimisation of Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Conditions for Headspace Analysis of Organo-Phosphate Pesticides in Whole Blood
    Kamarruddin Asri*1 and Robert A. Anderson2
    1 Department of Chemistry, Selangor, Malaysia
    2 Department of Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
  • Amantadine Intoxication: Disposition of Amantadine in a Fatal Overdose and Review of the Literature
    Amanda J. Jenkins and Gary Sebrosky
    Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office, Cleveland,OH, USA
  • Venlafaxine - Analytical Findings in Clinical and Post-mortem Cases
    Daniel Martinez*, Manjit Ruprah
    Medical Toxicology Unit, Guys & St Thomas' Hospital Trust, London, UK
10:00 Discussion
10:30 Coffee break

Oral Session (11:00-12:20): Free Topics
Chairpersons: Maria Kala, Laurent Rivier

  • Mass Spectral Characterisation of Hepatic Cell Metabolites of D,L-kavain using HPLC and GC/MS Systems
    Fuad Tarbah*, Hellmut Mahler, Oliver Temme and Thomas Daldrup
    Institute of Legal Medicine, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany
  • Quantitative Determination of Paraquat by HPLC-DAD following Chemical Reduction with Sodium Borohydride in a Fatal Intoxication
    Katrien Arys*1, J. Van Bocxlaer1, E. Meyer1, K. Clauwaert1, W. Lambert1, M. Piette2, C. Van Peteghem1 and A. De Leenheer1
    1 Laboratorium voor Toxicologie, Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Farmaceutische Wetenschappen, Gent, Belgium
    2 Laboratorium voor Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde, Faculteit Geneeskunde, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium
  • Methamphetamine from Thailand with the Logo WY
    Werner Bernhard*1, Priska Regenscheit1, Beatrice Hayoz1, Alain Broillet1, Beat Aebi1, Michael Frost2, Justus Beike2
    1 Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    2 Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Munster, Münster, Germany
  • 'Phenethylamine' Street Samples Encountered on the Belgian Drug Market
    Inge Dirinck*, Willy Lambert and Andreas De Leenheer
    Laboratory of Toxicology, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium
  • Reliability of Clinical Decisions Regarding Alcohol Influence
    Hasn A. Abder-Rahman, K. A. Hadidi, Abdekkader H. Battah
    Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Division, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Death Caused by Acute Formaldehyde Poisoning during Haemodialysis Treatment in Hospital
    Vincent K.K. Mok*, David T.W. Chan
    Government Laboratory, Homantin Government Offices, Kowloon, Hong Kong
12:00 Discussion
12:20-14:00 Lunch - Sponsored by Dade Behring

Poster Session (14:00-15:00) Discussion
Chairpersons: Werner Bernhard, Mark B. Lewis

  • 44. Analysis of Estazolam in Post-mortem Material
    Ewa Pufal*1, Marzena Sykutera1, Grzegorz Lis1, Gertrud Rohcholz2, Karol Sliwka1
    1 Katedra i Zaklad Medycyny Sadowej, Akademia Medyczna w Bydgoszczy, Bydgoszcz, Poland
    2 Institut fur Rechtsmedizin, Kiel, Germany
  • 45. Stability of Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine and their Metabolites in Plasma and Whole Blood from Spiked and Real Samples
    Lena Kristoffersen*1, Mette Krogh1, Jorgen G. Bramness1 and Elsa Lundanes2
    1 National Institute of Forensic Toxicology, Oslo, Norway
    2 Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • 46. Magic Mushrooms: Case Reports, Screening and Detection of Psilocin in Mushrooms and in Urine
    Werner Bernhard1, Beat Aebi1, Justus Beike2, Michael Frost2 and Herbert Honegger3
    1 Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
    2 Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
    3 Easy - Link AG, Scientific Services, Solothurn, Switzerland
  • 47. Street Drugs in Denmark 1995-1998
    Kirsten W. Simonsen*1, E. Kaa1, E. Nielsen2, D. Nielsen3
    1 University Institute of Forensic Medicine, Aarhus, Denmark
    2 University Institute of Forensic Medicine, Copenhagen, Denmark
    3 University Institute of Forensic Medicine, Odense, Denmark
  • 48. The Application of Spectral and X-ray Diffraction Methods in the Analysis of Street Drugs
    Bretislav Smysl*1, Dagmar Krausova2, Jan Hlavac2
    1 Institute of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
    2 Departments of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry of Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • 49. Chemical Programmes in Thanatometric Laboratory
    Volodymyr Bilkun
    Zaporozhye Medical University, Ukraine
  • 50. Three Cases of Thinner-Intoxication and Estimating the Lethal Concentration of Toluene by Toxicokinetics
    Tatsuya Hobara, M. Okuda, C. Yamada, H. Kobayashi, M. Gotoh, K. Oki and H. Segawa
    Department of Public Health Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Ube, Japan
  • 51. Validation and Quality Assurance of a Broad Scale Gas Chromatographic Screening Method for Drugs
    Merja Gergov*, Jari Nokua, Ilpo Rasanen and Ilkka Ojanpera
    Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • 52. Human Liver Carboxylesterases: Purification of these Two Enzymes, Properties in Relation to Cocaine and Alcohol Metabolism, and Specificities
    Karine Berthoin*1,2, Francois Widmer3, Christian Giroud2, Patrice Mangin2 and Luc Barret1
    1 Laboratoire de Médecine Légale et Toxicologie. UFR de Médecine. Grenoble, France
    2 Laboratoire de Toxicologie Analytique. Institut Universitaire de Médecine Légale. Lausanne, Suisse
    3 Institut de Biologie et Physiologie Végétales. Lausanne, Suisse Laboratoire de Médecine Légale et Toxicologie. UFR de Médecine. Grenoble, France
  • 53. Paraoxanase and Acetylcholinesterase Activities in Human Exposure to Organophosphorous Compounds
    Serap A. Akgur*1, P. Ozturk1, E. Y. Sozmen2, Y. Delen2, T. Tanyalcyn2, B. Ege1
    1 Ege Unyversity, Department of Forensic Medicine, Turkey
    2 Ege Unyversity, Department of Biochemistry, Turkey
  • 54. Distribution of Heavy Metals in Normal Korean Tissues
    Youngchan Yoo1, Sangki Lee*1, Jayeol Yang1, Sangwhan In1, Kiuk Kim1, Sunchun Kim1, Taejung Kwon1, Youngchang Ko1, Kyuhyuck Chung2
    1 National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Seoul, Korea
    2 College of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
  • 55. Aluminum Phosphide Fatalities, New Local Experience
    Hasn A. Abder-Rahman, Abdelkader H. Battah*, Y. M. Ibraheem, M. S. Shomaf and N. El-Bataineh
    Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Jordan
  • 56. Hepatotoxicity of Paracetamol and Trichloroethylene Combination in Rats
    Barbara Zielinska-Psuja*1, Joanna Kowalowka-Zawieja1, Andrzej Plewka2, Jerzy Orlowski1, Marcin Kaminski2
    1 Department of Toxicology, Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
    2 Department of Histology and Embryology, Silesian School of Medicine, Katowice-Ligota, Poland
  • 57. Experimental Data Regarding the Effects of Amiodarone on Pregnant Rats
    Razvan Gligor*1, Virginia Gligor2
    1 UMF Timisoara, Romania
    2 University of V. Goldis, Arad, Romania
  • 58. Electrophoretic Analyses of Serum Proteins of Birds and Mammals
    E. G. E. Helal1, S. A. M Zahkouk2, Hamdy A. Mekkawy3
    1 Faculty of Sciences, Al - Azhar University (Girls)
    2 Faculty of Sciences, Al - Azhar University (Boys)
    3 The National Center for Social and Criminological Research, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
  • 59. A Silent Killer of Intelligence: Lead Poisoning in Children in the USA, Thailand, Laos, Mexico, El Salvador, Nigeria and Jamaica
    Karl Verebey*, Raul Rudelli and Philip Fischer
    Leadtech Corporation, N. Bergen, NJ, USA
    Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
15:00 Closing Remarks
15:30 TIAFT Business Meeting
18:00 Bus to hotels
19:15 Bus to Niepolomice
20:00 Farewell Banquet at the Royal Castle in Niepolomice
24:00 Bus to hotels