Published on: 10-03-2025

“Get The Party Started”, Pink
Dear Members of TIAFT,
We are well into 2025 now so with this President’s message, I thought I would let you know what has been happening and also highlight all the TIAFT activities we can look forward to this year.
I will start with the Committees as they have all been active with their own internal meetings and co-ordinating plans, including the introduction of new Committee members. In particular, the newly expanded Continuing Education Committee have organised the next webinar entitled “Exploring the Evolution and Detection of Alcohol & Illicit Drugs in Vaping Devices” taking place on 25th March, so don’t forget to register for live participation and remember members can access all the previous TIAFT webinars via the members’ portal.
Talking of expansion, the new Bulletin team have produced the first digital-only TIAFT Bulletin that can accommodate more articles so consider contributing input and look out for notifications of its release as well as direct access via the members’ site. Elsewhere, the NPS Committee will be changed to a standing Committee with further development of HighResNPS and working with the UNODC with more information as the year progresses.
Thank you again to all Committees and all Committee members for volunteering their time and commitment, which is integral to the Association. Thanks also to Francesco Busardó as this year’s editor of the TIAFT Special Issue of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology showcasing the research from the TIAFT annual meeting in St. Gallen.
As you will see in the Bulletin, the AI TIAFT Task Force have also been busy and thank you to those members that responded to the AI survey with the results being utilised as part of the TTF’s on-going work. I am sure, like me, you are looking forward to what will be very important and useful recommendations for all in toxicology and I will be talking about the work of the TTF at the joint BLT-SFTA meeting later this month. Also, after it’s spelling error last time, I thought I would give AI another chance, so it has created the image for this message which doesn’t seem too bad so maybe there is hope after all!
Your Board have also been working hard in the background and there will soon be much more to do as we use our Mid-Year Board meeting to review and plan the rest of year in line with our strategic goals, with particular emphasis on the benefits and opportunities available to members such as grants and travel awards. Therefore, please look out for the upcoming notices for the annual Bryan S. Finkle Visiting Scientist Grant and the TIAFT Travel Grant Awards. Excitingly, we will also be soon seeking applications for the inaugural TIAFT Huestis & Smith International Travel Award to travel to the Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT) meeting in the USA, and we have been working with SOFT for the reciprocal award for SOFT members to attend the TIAFT annual meeting.
Therefore, finally to look forward to, is this year’s TIAFT annual meeting in November in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. Registration is now open as well as abstract submission so make sure you secure your place and organise your trip. It’s been nearly 10 years since the annual meeting was in that part of the globe and the first time ever in New Zealand, so take advantage of all the various travel grant opportunities as well as the numerous resources on the meeting website. It’s going to be a very special meeting and if it has given anyone thoughts about hosting a future meeting, we will be seeking submissions for the annual meeting in 2029 (yes, we’re nearly in the 30’s!).
Now, you can’t have a party without guests and this year is going to be one big toxicology party with lots happening so make sure you pay your TIAFT membership dues by the end of March to avoid any late fees and also please consider donating to the Developing Countries Fund.
Very best wishes to all,
Dr Simon Elliott,
TIAFT President