- Alternative animal models and emerging in vitro models
- Analytical Toxicology
- Clinical and Laboratory Toxicology
- Drugs and driving
- Environmental security
- Food safety
- Forensic
- Genotoxicity
- Immunotoxicology
- Toxicity mechanisms
- Nano toxicology
- New psychoactive substances
- Post mortem
- Risks evaluation
- Toxicological hazards in the workplace
- Others
Guidelines for presentations
1. Posters
The content of an effective Poster presentation should be clear, focused and concise.
Posters should use letters that can be easily read when in front of them. The use of large and bold letters is recommended for the title, authors' names and affiliations. The author presenting the poster should stand out. Authors are recommended to avoid using too many texts and to use bulleted lists for results and conclusions. Tables and figures are good ways to divide the poster. Recommended headings for posters include Objectives, Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions. It is recommended that authors bring copies (paper or electronic) for interested attendees. It is recommended to place the poster number in the upper right corner for easy identification.
The evaluation criteria will be based on:
- Scientific rigor
- Originality of the approach
- Ability to synthesize the poster and the oral presentation
- Graphic and compositional quality
- Ability to communicate the poster and the oral presentation.
- Each poster will have a specific day for presentation.
2. Oral presentations
Oral presenters get 7 minutes for presentation, with 3 additional minutes for questions and switching between presentations. Therefore, you should not spend too much time introducing a topic. You will be asked to be strict about time.
Guide for Authors
Abstracts must comply with the following form:
- Simple space
- 12 point size
- Times New Roman font
The summary should be structured using the following:
- Title, name of author (s), affiliation (s) of author (s). Use an asterisk (*) to identify the presenting author;
- Background / introduction;
- Objective;
- Methods;
- Results;
- Discussion / conclusion;
- Acknowledgements.
Do not exceed 600 words in length.
Submission of abstracts / Important dates
- From July 01, 2021 to September 30, 2021: The authors send their summary for the poster session or the oral session.
- October 01 to 15, 2021: The authors send revised versions of their summary (if necessary).
- Until November 15, 2021: The Scientific Committee will inform the authors of the accepted abstracts. The communication will be done through the sending system.
- To request information and send abstracts, please write to
Calendar of oral presentations and posters
November 15, 2021: the Scientific Committee will announce the Question Wheel Schedule for Oral Presentations and Posters on the website.
At the end of the congress the certificate of attendance and presentation will be sent to the email provided.