Published on: 11-03-2025

Date: Tuesday, 25th March 2025
Time: 9.00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time





9.00am EST

Welcome and Introduction

Board member

9.05am EST

Setting the stage : The Evolution of E-cigarettes as a Device to Vape drugs other than Nicotine

Michelle Peace, PhD

Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Forensic Science

9.45am EST

Etomidate and Its Analogs in Vaping-associated Forensic casework

Hui Yan, PhD

Academy of Forensic Science, China

10.25am EST

Break (10 min)

Break (10 min)

10.35am EST

Detection of Illicit Drugs in Seized Vape Pods from Scottish Prisons

Victoria Marland, PhD

Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science, University of Dundee

11.15am EST

Vaping, Impairment and Alcohol Tesitng

Alaina Holt, PhD

Virginia Commonwealth University, Dept. of Forensic Science

11.55am EST

Final Remarks

Board member

12.00am EST




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