The Scientific Committee welcomes and invites you to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations which can be descriptive, experimental, case reports, literature reviews, problematic situations and current issues related with::
XI Latinamerican Congress of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists TIAFT-PERU 2015
X Jornada Peruano Boliviana de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses
I Congreso Peruano Colombiano de Medicina Legal
VI Congreso Internacional de Criminalística y Ciencias Forenses
Submission of abstracts (oral presentation or poster) until Monday, October 15, 2015.
Please, send your abstracts by e-mail to:
Conditions of acceptance.
The content and the literary level of the presented abstracts are under the author/s responsibility and they can not be edited after the presentation. All abstracts will be reviewed and ranked by evaluation of the Scientific Committee. The official notification of acceptance of the abstract will be sent to the author on October 31st, 2015.
Abstracts publication.
Paralelamente se publicarán en la página web, los cuales estarán disponibles por un período de 24 meses para que puedan ser revisados y descargados libremente.
All abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentations will be published in the Congress Abstract Book (International Forensic Science Magazine of the American Association of Forensic Sciences - ALACIF).
They will also be published on the website, where they will be available for a period of 24 months to allow their free review and download.
The research works should be compiled as per the follwoing scheme:
Suggested content of the research work:
The text of the article must have a maximum of 500 words (one A4 page), written in single spacing, including notes, without references, graphs or figures. Exceptionally, and in consultation with the organization, they can have a greater length.
Authors must always indicate the area and type (oral or poster) of presentation. You are requested to send the files as a Word Office 2007 documents (.doc).
The top, bottom, left and right margins must be of 3 cm. The font will be exclusively Times New Roman, 12 points, without particular formatting features except for bold, underline and italic.
The poster size is 90 x 120 cm. We recommend to insert information as more graphic as possible. The poster layout can be horizontal or vertical. The poster can hosts photographs, graphics, statistics and others.
All authors and co-authors involved with Oral and Poster Exhibition will receive the respective certificate of authorship after the event.